Thursday, November 1, 2012

Round 2 Day 1 (of 4) Wrap-Up

Another day, another eight movies knocked out for best movie of the last 40 years.  This time we had Die Hard, Taxi Driver, Kill Bill Vol. 1, Internal Affairs, Gran Torino, Terminator 2, Usual Suspects, and the Big Lebowski fall.

Moving on out of the Shawshank Region was Shawshank Redemption 79/21% and Alien 60/40%. 

Out of Pulp Fiction was Silence of the Lambs 71/29% and the Sixth Sense 81/19%

From the Godfather Region, advancing is Star Wars V - Empire Strikes Back 94/6% and a nail biter that was determined based on the higher seed advancing with the Usual Suspects taking out Casino 50/50%

The Godfather 2 Region offered up to good match-ups with a couple votes separating the winners with the Dark Knight advancing 59/41% and an upset special with 23 seeded Good Will Hunting taking out 7 seed Terminator 2.

Here's a look at the updated brackets

Don't forget to vote for "day 2" of 2nd round